Tuesday, July 15, 2014

14 July 2014

 Spectacular showing from the lilies...5 feet tall!

The different kinds of day lilies are coming out.

Smoke bush, bee balm, filipendula...which my grandmother called Captain's Feather. That's the white hyssop rising up next to it.

 By the path, white clips.. A campanula.. In bloom next to the hen and chicks.

 Astilbe, Veronica, and mallow.



Thursday, July 10, 2014

July 9, 2014

The cool wet spring is making the lilies pop!
Day lilies, Asiatic lilies, Veronica, lavender, pink begonias, 


Sunday, July 6, 2014

6 July 2014

New feature--a bench in the wildflower nook for a private sit in the garden
In bloom this week of interest
Lady Bells (from my mother's garden)
Wild Michigan rose, bush clover leaves, feverfew
Old-fashioned day lilies, variegated leaf red twig dogwood

Robert lythrup (purple), cherry bells
Pink rose, day lilies, Veronica, Siberian catmint, red rose
Bee balm